A mass jailbreak occurred in Alcoentre Prison which is located near Lisbon. This incident occurred on a Saturday when a mass jailbreak occurred which led to the escape of prisoners in broad daylight. There has been no sign of the escaped prisoners as of yet.
18 Guards Have Been Questioned For Mass Jailbreak
This incident has caused the Justice Minister, Rita Júdice to open an inquiry into the matter. A total of 18 guards have been questioned by the authorities about the whole escape incident. It is reported that 20 more guards will be questioned as witnesses for the whole scenario. A final report will be submitted for any kind of disciplinary measures to be taken. These questions are being asked in the presence of the lawyer, Pedro Proença. Pedro is the representative of the guard’s syndicate who will protect the rights of all the guards.
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The President of the syndicate, Frederico Morais has communicated that there are ‘no’ suspects at this moment. Authorities have appointed a new director of the jail, Carlos Moreira. There is no hint as to where the escaped prisoners are right now. No one knows where they have escaped and who helped them in the process. Some images were captured when the prisoners made the escape. These images were captured on the security cameras of Vale do Judeu.
5 Dangerous Prisoners Escaped From Prison
There was an alert by the Portuguese Government due to the escape of 5 prisoners. The Government has also informed the public of any kind of information about the escapees. The prisoners who ran from the prison are from various backgrounds. Two of the prisoners are Portuguese, one is from Argentina, one is from the United Kingdom, and one is from Georgia. These men escaped the prison by climbing the walls of the prison.

The images were taken by the security camera of the prison who clearly saw which men escaped the prison. One of the Guards told the press:
They went out of the cells into the courtyard and then, with a ladder that was hidden outside, they climbed over the six-meter-high wall and escaped.
Escape From Prison Was Technically Planned
This escape was technically planned before it went to the execution phase. It is noted that the prisoners received help from 3 people who helped them with the ladder. A ladder was used to make this escape successful for the prisoners. This ladder was hidden outside, and it was later used to escape the six-meter-high wall. Another person gave their statement:
Three flights of aluminum ladders were used, camouflaged in the wall. You can’t even see them in video surveillance images. [The escape was aided by] three individuals who were waiting outside, who placed the ladder to jump the net. [All 5 prisoners] got into a small black Mercedes.
All these five prisoners are considered very dangerous, and they are always escorted by the guards if they are taken outside. One such prisoner is already reported to have used a firearm at the guard.
[The inmates] are all considered dangerous and need escorts for outside trips. [One prisoner] has already used a firearm against a member of the criminal police.
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