Higher Education students in Portugal are facing problems in the rental housing system. Lots of students are dispersed due to shortages in rental homes. Research has concluded that students are mostly living without a formal rental contract.
Portuguese Students Face Difficulty In Rent
Students are living in rooms without a proper formal rental contract. A recent survey states that many Portuguese students are not eligible for financial support due to no formal contract. A research team was formed who interviewed more than 1000s of students. These students are mostly located in institutions of Porto and Lisbon. According to the statistics of the report, 48% of the students did not have a rental formal contract.
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It was also found in the report that 51% of the students reported that the landlord did not have any rent receipts. The study found out that 4 of every 10 students in Porto and Lisbon live very far away from their homes. This is why many students are living by paying rent. If there is no formal contract, the students of higher education will not be able to apply for support like additional accommodation. This action by the landlords can put these students at risk as they are vulnerable without a proper contract.
One of the authors along with the researcher, Maria José Sá states that a student who is living away from home can have a cost of 1,000 Euros every month. According to the students, most of this cost is spent on accommodation. The monthly rent for the majority of the students is between 200 Euros and 400 Euros. Some of the students even spend 600 Euros on rent. The report states that only some students are lucky to get accommodation within the university campus. The accommodation at the university is much more affordable. Maria José Sá stated:
University residences are unable to respond to the number of requests from students, which are first allocated to scholarship students.
Less Space In University Accommodation
Although the universities in Portugal are trying their best to bring more beds to accommodate more students, the space is still insufficient to cater to everyone. It is reported that only 3% of the applicants for accommodation can get a place on the university’s campus. The remaining students are therefore forced to obtain a place outside the campus which is often rented at a higher cost.
Higher education students have reported that the cost of living in universities outside their hometown is very expensive. Apart from the accommodation cost, there is the cost of food where the majority of students spend between 50 and 110 Euros. Some students are also spending 170 Euros on food. These students are mostly foreigners or those who live far away from the main city zone.

For those students who live near schools, their transportation cost is very minimal. But most of the students can’t afford to live near the campus as the rental costs within the central area of cities are very high. These students have to rely on public transport, which is cheaper compared to other modes of transportation.
The average cost of 1,000 Euros per month for students also includes electricity cost, water cost, and internet bills as well. The research concludes that it is normal for a student to reach a monthly cost of 1,000 Euros due to all the expenses. These students are mostly supported by their families. Those families who have more than 1 student studying face some financial difficulty. Maria José Sá states that:
A family with two children studying at higher education level becomes unsustainable.
No Contract Means No Scholarship
According to the statistics, 66.5% of the students depend on their families for financial support. Higher education requires a lot of financial support which cannot be fulfilled by the student alone. Although scholarships are a secondary source of support, many students rely on them. However, if higher education students live in rental homes without formal contract documents, their chances for scholarships will decrease. It is recommended by the survey report to start the university residence more quickly so more students can avail rooms within the campus. The scientific coordinator of the Edulog Advisory Board, Alberto Amaral stated:
Many landlords do not issue receipts and therefore students cannot access support such as the accommodation supplement.
The study also suggests an increase in the number of scholarships to cater to a wide range of students. This research study was part of the project by the Center for Higher Education Policy Research (CIPES). This study is based on the cities of Porto and Lisbon. These two cities combined have a greater number of students who attend higher education than any other region. The scenario in some other regions might be different but students of higher education within these two cities face difficulty during rental homes.
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