The City Council of Vila Real city has decided to invest 10 million Euros in construction. This construction will formulate a new business zone in the area. The project was hit with delays but now it is expected to be completed soon.
Vila Real Invest 10 Million Euros
PS mayor has informed us that the Vila Real has decided to construct a new zone. The construction will target the business reception area and the industrial area. This construction will be done in 2 stages. The first stage will complete 34 hectares which will cover 80 lots. The second stage will complete 50 lots and gain access to the compound. The President of the municipality, Rui Santos stated:
This process has a delay of a year and a half. It should be finished by now. As we know, the litigation in court today is enormous, there was an injunction, and this measure took around a year and a half to be dispatched.
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The work for the project started in summer where the first step was deforestation. After the deforestation, the land is being moved now. The investment for the first phase of the plan is 10 million Euros. Mayor explained the delay in the project which is due to a case pending in the court. One of the companies during the tender stage was excluded so they filed a case in court. The company lost both cases in ‘The Administrative and the Fiscal Court of Mirandela’ and the ‘Central Administrative Court of North’. The mayor stated:
This project could be inaugurated today, it is not, it is under construction, but better late than never. We had an objective and that is the objective, with two projects, it will be completed, if everything goes well, by September of next year
New Construction Will Provide Opportunities To Companies
The municipality submitted the fee for the new application two times to the court by mistake. For the first time, they lost the money from the application for community funds which sum up to 1.5 million Euros. Then, they had to submit a new application although an application with the same amount was already submitted. The project is based on an old idea where the community funding amounts to around 10 million Euros. The mayor stated:
With this response, all companies that want to set up in Vila Real, and that we will actively seek to set up in Vila Real, will have space to do so in an absolutely privileged location, close to the A24 and A4 motorways, in a strategic node. We managed to rebuild this objective, and we are achieving it.
Difficulty In Acquiring Land
The Executive Director of Regia Douro Park, Nuno Augusto informs that the land acquisition phase was quite complicated. Meetings with more than 300 owners were arranged to negotiate the prices for purchasing their land. The project required the acquisition of around 200 plots of land. It is expected that these new lots will be completed within nine months from now on.

According to the Executive Director, it is expected that the second phase of the project will be budgeted for around 3 million Euros. Although there has been no official announcement for the second phase of the project, it is confirmed that the cost will be much less than the first phase. The construction of the new zone is ongoing, but the project also aims to expand the area of the old industrial sector. This expansion has already been completed. The cost for this expansion has been 2 million Euros which includes 7 hectares of land and 18 plots. Nuno further stated:
Of these, nine are already registered, and they have already been handed over to companies so that they can start building their spaces here as quickly as possible, this construction will be associated with creating new jobs.
Workshops To Be Built In New Zone
Nuno Augusto has informed us that the new zone will comprise several companies. The companies will have expertise in the fields of distribution, logistics, transport, mechanics, and so on. The new zone will also have some workshops to create new businesses in the region. The Mayor, Rui Santos, informs us about the increasing demand for more lots for the companies working in the new zone.
Many companies from different sectors require lots to store their goods. The Government has promised to fulfill the two demands made for this project. These demands include the expansion of the old industrial area and the creation of a new business area. The expansion works are completed, and a new zone is being constructed. This project has created many new jobs which is good for the growth of the local region. Nuno stated:
We have the example of one of the largest medicine distributors in the world that created its location here to distribute medicines throughout the North region, in a large investment that generated 20 jobs.
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