Pedro Nuno Santos Challenges PM To Clarify Things

Pedro Nuno Santos Challenges PM To Clarify Things

How do you handle “discord” and internal divisions? The response, along with the “new strategy” from the socialist secretary-general, was put into action this Saturday in Braga and Penafiel during the Federal Congresses.

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The strategy continues today in Cascais at the Federal Congress of the Urban Area of Lisbon, featuring speeches by Alexandra Leitão, Ana Abrunhosa, Ana Catarina Mendes, Isilda Gomes, João Paulo Rebelo, Maria Begonha, Mariana Vieira da Silva, Marina Gonçalves, Marta Temido, Pedro Delgado Alves, and Pedro Vaz.

Targeting the Right

Pedro Nuno Santos Challenges Portugal PM
Pedro Nuno Santos Targeting the Right

The first target? The right. The recent exchange of accusations between Luís Montenegro and André Ventura over offers of agreements for the 2025 State Budget—even including an alleged invitation for Chega to join the Government in a different political context—created an opportunity for Pedro Nuno Santos to weigh in.

He remarked, “We don’t know who is lying”—the Prime Minister or the leader of Chega. The PS secretary-general said:

“What we have seen in recent days is worrying.”

He deepened his criticism by calling it a shame for our democracy to witness two party leaders—deliberately not referring to Montenegro as prime minister—publicly accusing each other of lying.

His challenge? To clarify who is telling the truth, ensuring that the Portuguese people can trust that the prime minister’s word is to be taken seriously.

Critique of Ventura’s Meetings

Regarding the five meetings that Ventura claims to have had with Montenegro, the PS secretary-general sarcastically remarked,

“To say ‘André, we don’t trust you, and therefore, we’re not going to negotiate with you,’ one meeting would have been enough.”

His critique highlights the perceived inconsistency in Montenegro’s approach to dealing with Chega’s leader. The strategy, as explained by a socialist source, is not a new tactic.

It mirrors what was employed during the electoral campaign for the legislative elections—drawing a connection between the PSD and Chega—similar to what António Costa had done before.

The message? “The Portuguese right cannot be trusted.” This recurring theme serves to reinforce doubts about the trustworthiness of the political right in the eyes of the electorate.

Emphasizing Unity

Pedro Nuno Santos Challenges PM
Pedro Nuno Santos Challenges PM Emphasizing Unity

Second target? Those who foment discord.

The internal new strategy, as understood by PS parliamentarians, is to publicly stress party unity. As Pedro Nuno Santos emphasized in Braga, no socialist or PS leader should be mistaken about which party they belong to and who our adversaries are.

This approach aims to remind the party’s members to stay aligned and focused on their political opponents, reinforcing solidarity within the PS amidst potential divisions.

A Warning Ahead of Local Elections

Anticipating internal disputes ahead of next year’s local elections, the secretary-general issued a clear and direct warning: it is essential to restore credibility and unite the PS, combat opportunism, and address internal divisions.

This message underscores the need for unity and coherence within the party as they prepare for upcoming electoral challenges, aiming to avoid fragmentation and maintain a strong, credible front. He stressed:

“It is in this dispute that we all have to be focused. Without forgetting that, if they are here, it is because they are from the PS.”

Without directly naming those advocating for the Budget’s viability or individuals from the past who wish to portray themselves as “present” and “influential,” the socialist secretary-general issued a warning.

He emphasized that the mistakes of the past must not be repeated, nor should discord be stirred within the councils and sections of the party. This caution reflects a call for unity and avoiding internal conflicts that could hinder the party’s cohesion and effectiveness moving forward.

Portugal Pedro Nuno Santos Challenges the PM
A Warning Ahead of Local Elections

A parliamentary source from the PS believes that this warning carries a broader meaning, particularly regarding the divisions over the stance to take on the 2025 State Budget (OE2025).

The source added, half a word is enough for those who understand, implying that the message is clear to those within the party who are aware of the ongoing internal tensions and the significance of the upcoming decisions.

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Pedro Nuno Santos issued a clear warning, stating that “no socialist should make the mistake of playing the AD’s game” by losing sight of the unity that must be promoted within the PS.

The PS secretary-general emphasized that the State Budget proposal presented by the Government is not, and never will be, a PS Budget, “not only because of what it contains, but more importantly because of what it lacks.

Criticism of the State Budget

Santos criticized the OE2025, declaring that it will not make Portugal grow, and accusing the Government of lacking confidence in the growth capacity of the Portuguese economy and companies. He concluded that, for these reasons, “the Budget is bad.”

He further assured that:

“Regardless of what we do [abstain or vote against], the distance between us and the Government is huge and the Budget will always be fought by the PS.”

Pedro Nuno Santos asserted that a Government that sells illusions is not trustworthy and fhas no solution for the problems of the Portuguese people.


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