To Restore Portugal’s Manifestation of Interest System

Immigrant Protest Outside Parliament To Restore Portugal’s Manifestation of Interest System

Today, dozens of immigrant associations and supporters are gathering outside Portugal’s parliament in Lisbon. They want the government to bring back the manifestation of interest system. This system allowed people to come to Portugal on a tourist visa and then apply for residency. The government recently removed it which makes it harder for people to stay. Today’s protest is their effort to demand change and to protect immigrant futures in Portugal.

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Immigrant Protest To Restore Manifestation Of Interest System

Immigrant Protest To Restore Manifestation Of Interest System

The manifestation of the interest system was a simpler way for immigrants to start building a life in Portugal. It allowed people to come to Portugal, find work, and apply for residency once they arrived in the country rather than applying from abroad.

The president of the immigrant rights group Solidariedade Imigrante Timotéo Macedo has highlighted its importance. He believes the system offered immigrants a way to begin working and settling down in Portugal. He believes it helped many people start a new life in Portugal. For him, the system represented hope and opportunity for thousands.

Since the government removed this system, residency applications have dropped. Many immigrants are now left in uncertainty. Macedo and his group say restoring this system is about protecting human rights. They believe everyone who wants to contribute to Portuguese society should have a fair path to do so.

Government’s Perspective On Controlling Immigration

The Portuguese government says the change is meant to manage immigration better. Officials say they are not trying to stop immigration but want more control. They want to make sure people who come to Portugal can support themselves and have jobs lined up. The government says that by limiting residency, they are helping immigrants settle more successfully.

Since this change, the Agency for Integration, Migration, and Asylum (AIMA) reports that it has a more manageable workload. But this has come at a great cost for immigrant groups. Fewer immigrants can now apply for residency which leaves many without a clear path forward.

Solidariedade Imigrant Leading The Protest

The group Solidariedade Imigrante is leading today’s rally along with other advocacy groups. They are one of Portugal’s most active immigrant support groups with around 150,000 members from nearly 200 countries. Macedo emphasized that today’s protest is about much more than a residency policy. It is a stand for dignity and fair treatment for all people wanting a future in Portugal.

He said:

We are mobilised for this demonstration. We are going to hold a big demonstration with a sit-in and a day of struggle in front of parliament

The protest will also include speeches to show immigrants value to the economy. Many immigrant workers are essential to industries like agriculture, construction, and tourism. The government’s decision does not reflect this value.

Effects On Portugal’s Economy

Business leaders also support more open immigration. They worry that limiting residency will harm the economy. Portugal has an aging population and many industries rely on immigrant workers to fill crucial jobs. The agricultural, tourism, and healthcare sectors in particular depend on this labor force.

If residency remains limited then Portugal can face a labor shortage. Many leaders believe that bringing back the manifestation of interest system is essential to the country’s future.

Growing Concerns Over Right-Wing Influence on Immigration

Macedo and other immigrant groups are also concerned about growing right-wing sentiment in Europe and Portugal. Many European countries are tightening immigration policies and some worry Portugal may follow. Macedo points to anti-immigrant policies across Europe and believes that Portugal should stand against this trend.

Macedo added:

The far right is growing in Portugal and in Europe, with the support of the European Pact (on Migration and Asylum), which was also approved by many Portuguese MPs. We are seeing a protectionist trend, from the closing of borders in Germany to the construction of detention centres for immigrants outside the EU

For him, today’s protest is also about defending Portugal’s values of inclusion. Macedo argues that Portugal should remain a welcoming place. He believes immigrant voices must be heard to prevent Portugal from becoming less open.

Macedo promised:

We are going to fight back, we’re going to stand up to them


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